Saturday, June 7, 2008

Under the Weather

Alden has been sufferring bouts of flu and cough for almost 5 months now. It started before CNY. We thought it was just a normal virus that he caught when he started attending kindergarten.

The sickness will subside after a round of medication but rebound back after only a couple of weeks. The paeds told me that he might have environmental allergies ie to dust or mold spores or fur.

Since we are staying near the railway track and our room windows are facing the tracks, there are bound to be dust flying in even though I made a habit to wipe them off almost everyday. The doc also told me to keep all the stuffed animals away from him, which I did. Packed up his Winnie the Pooh and Santa and baby Jack Jack in a bag and store them aside. Thank God he doesn't seem to miss them. Then comes the dog fur. Our Rottweiler is shedding her fur like crazy. My mom in-law has to wash the outside compound every morning just to get rid of them for she's scared the wind might blow them indoor.

Despite the precaution taken, there is no end for Alden's flu and cough. To add to the frustration, Edric caught them too. Poor baby. So I brought both of the kids to the paeds on Thursday. (Mommy pun rasa macam mau sakit.) The doc was going to put Alden on asthma medication from that day onwards but she decided to have a chest x-ray taken coz just to rule out TB (scare the s*** out of me). She made a right choice for the X-ray. When we got the pic back, saw that there are a lot of white streaks all across his lungs. No wonder he didn't recover. He has lung infection, either from a type of supervirus or worst, mycoplasma pneumonia. Mycoplasma is a type of bacteria with no cell-wall and therefore, considered as a stealth pathogen. A strong antibiotic is given to Alden. Hope this time it will work. As for Edric, I have to observe him for a couple of days and if the cough did not subside, then he has to take the same antibiotic as well.

I think worrying about them also put me under the weather. Caught a throat infection myself. Sigh...wish all will be well soon.

(Alden's chest X-ray almost look like this but his white streaks are lesser and milder. Got this pic from the web and this is the x-ray of a person with a full bout of presumably mycoplasma pneumonia infection.)

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