Thursday, November 6, 2008


As depressed as I sound, I am really at the crossroads. Telan mati bapa, luah mati emak. Only a few of my clossest comrades will know the why I am like this.
Kindness in this world is difficult to find but I found it in the hands of strangers.
Human psychology is the least of my understanding. The harshness and softness of words can change the course of human lives. Some words are full of meaning but some uttered aimless and empty.
The motto that my husband opted : Respect and thou shall be respected; is this true?

I need to some convincing.

Well, I had my neucloplasty in the early September. Recuperated quite good and started yoga class in October. Thought I'm well into recovery. Somehow my nightmare is recurring.
Starting to have numbness in my right side of my jaw and neck. Right hand is hurting. Left foot doesn't work as efficient. I'm off for another MRI in 3 weeks time.
I have no idea what to feel right now. Better not think about it.

Remember to learn to use your body right. Posture is everything.