Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Like Father, Like Son

Alden and his dad need their haircuts badly. So the father and son went to the barber last Saturday. Both of them came home sporting crew cut. Well, Alden usually gets his head shaved coz it looks much better on him. This time his hairstyle looks like grass growing on uneven earthbed.
I couldn't help but laughed (quietly this time coz Alden might take it by heart if I say his hairstyle doesn't look nice. Mau cantik ja ni budak ni.). When I look at both father and son, I'm seeing double. Since a baby, everybody tells me that Alden looks like his dad. It's not something new but their looks that day amazed me. An exact mould. When Hoe scolded Alden in one occasion that night, I just told him that he looked silly coz it was like he was scolding himself.

Posing maut...

The cheeky one...

Like father, like son....

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