Thursday, June 19, 2008

Milk Loves You

Didn't know that there is a World Milk Day. It started in 1 June 2001. Malaysia started celebrating this since 2005. I read the paper yesterday and discovered that they have Feed-A-Child programme. Each time you click on a feed-a-child icon, 1 pack of UHT milk will go to a needy child.
I have fun surfing the site coz there are a lot of information to be gathered. There are contests to be won, printables for fun and lots more.

The companies that are involved in the free milk and awareness programs include Dutch Lady, F@N, Fonterra (the Anmum brand and lots more), Nestle, Cotra Ent., and Tetra Pak. These companies are giving away 100,000 packs of milk. (In my opinion, give more!!!)

Please lend a hand if you could, by visiting

The milk pledge meter is still very low.

What irked me is that I don't see other milk product conglomerates are involved.
With the rising milk prices especially in infant and toddlers formula, all of us, parents, feel the pinch. I'm thankful that I'm still able to give my kids milk to drink.

Last month, when I brought Edric for his vaccination at the klinik desa, I saw a lady with 2 kids and a baby. After she left, I couldn't help but overheard the nurses conversation about her. She couldn't afford to give milk to her baby. The little girl is only about 7 or 8 months old. The mom is actually out of work and she has to put her 2 older kids in school too. I cried silently for the baby.
In another story, a friend of mine once told me that there is a young couple who gave tea for their baby coz they couldn't afford the milk formula. Just imagine, pure tea and sugar.

I wish more could be done to help the poor. The government and the milk product companies should be able to help out by distributing free milk formula at the klinik desa. The free milk formula doesn't have to have the high DHA or the fancy stuff that they claimed to put into the milk nowadays. Just the basic formula to ensure good growth of babies and toddlers.
I saw that the klinik desa is giving away formula but it seems limited in source.
How can our younger generations aspire to be angkasawan when some of them don't even have milk to drink? The irony of it.

Well, talking about the school milk programme, some of it has been put on hold due to food-poisoning cases. Are the distributed milk stale or somehow during transportation, the milk was not kept in cool condition?
I remember in my kindi and school days, the milk trucks will come bearing metal cases of packet milk which were kept cold in ice. I always loved the milk coz they were fresh. Never had stomach ache or diarrhoea. Those were the days. I wondered what ever happened nowadays...

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