Thursday, March 26, 2009


Saya sakit belakang lagi ni. Went to acupuncture 2 days ago. Just feel a little relief on my shoulder. Pinggang pun kena ni kali. Sakitnya....

For the past two weeks, I've been trying to get Alden to memorize the spellings of 5 Malay words. The kid's head must be made of stone coz he won't cooperate to learn.
I've tried so many ways to get his attention; from the conventional write and read out loud to game cards.
The words required by the teacher for him to spell : Api, Ayam, Bapa, Buku and Cili.

Api took a week. Ayam... jadi aym..selalu hilang tu 'a'. I asked him where it is, he said sudah telan masuk perut...haiiiiii....
He always got confused between bapa and buku....bila suruh eja bapa...he said b a ...'ba'...a u 'ku'.....bikin pening kepala saya ja dia ni...
I asked him what he remembers, he said 'dunno'. 'Your head must be full of stars!' and he just laughed away...
The funny thing is the fella can remember poems as fast as trains. Maybe the poems are more fun to learn than the boring spellings.

His dictation is today. So fingers-crossed. I won't have a high expectation. Just hoped that the days that I put in to hammer the words in his head are worth it. Kesian juga sia tengok, selalu ja kena marah. Hope I can build up more patience when teaching him.
It's really scary how a five year old's syllabus can be quite extensive nowadays. Really can't imagine how is it going to be like when he's in primary school. Now I know why the children are so stressed with their school works.
Oh..well, better not worry too much. I prefer to let him enjoy his childhood.

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