The whole family was there to see him in his group race. It was a fun day, albeit missing his father who was stuck in a wintery China for a week. Talking about temperature, it was a sunny sunny day, if you know what I mean. Orang pun boleh masak. Thank God Edric didn't throw any tantrum except giving lots of verbal complaints to his grandpapa, probably complaining about the weather.
Alden's group was leading in their race but at the final end, the other team manage to grab the lead. Thus, the kids have to settle for the silver cup. Each of them got one. By the way, the merry Alden got a gold cup instead. When we asked him how did he end up with it, he said he exchanged it with another kid.
Ehhh??? Like that oso can ah? Ya loh...teacher said the bag with the gold cup has my name on it. Sure or not? Really. You didn't force the other kid to hand over the gold cup to you. No no no...the bag has my name on it...really...'blink blink'...the eyes said I'm innocent...I'm innocent!!!
Both mom in-law and me just accepted his explanation, after we have questioned him for 2 days in a row. We were just worried that the other kid's parents will complain that the teacher gave the wrong cup to their kid. What do you know, we didn't get any complain up to this day so the cup stood in our showcase permanently. He,he....

Alden, sitting in his class row, watching performances and other races, while waiting for his turn.

The opening ceremony. Up went the balloons.....

Performances and races...

Now, who was that making faces...

We got loads of balloons to take home and Edric was as eager as a beaver to play.
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