Monday, May 26, 2008

What's in a title?

I've been ravaging every nooks and crannies in my head for the title of my blog and the answer came as easy as the wind blows. Edric was in his crib napping when he relieved his sinus irritation and still manage to doze off after the bout. It had me thinking on how I should act and treat every life situation I meet along the way.

sneeze : To expel air forcibly from the mouth and nose in an explosive, spasmodic, involuntary
action resulting from irritation, as from dust, in the nose.

( To sneeze is a semi-autonomous way our body react to foreign particles that irritate our breathing pathways. When a problem comes our way, we naturally face and deal with it in our own mode of action, responsibly or irresponsibly. Some say we shouldn't take a problem lightly as it may have a domino effect. Well, I often tell myself to look into the problematic situation and try to react/solve it as calmly as possible. A problem is like a sneeze. The relief I felt after the
'Ah-Choos' is the same kind of relief I felt after a situation is solved. ( Life will always be full of sneezes eh?)

snooze : To take a light nap; doze.

(Hmmm, who wouldn't mind taking a few minutes of snooze after a meal in the middle of the day or after a tiring meeting in the morn. I passed the notion for a little nap so many times in the past even when I was dead-beat. When my body was crying for little rest, I kept pushing it aside as I told myself there was still something to do, problems to settle. The nature of my work had my brain ticking, all the muscles tensed and on the move all the time. So many emails to look into, and the need to offer help and solutions to other people were large in scale. Then one day, I just decided to take the long awaited snooze and I feel great. I resigned from that crazy, 1 leg-kick stupid job. Being a stay-at-home mom wasn't all that bad but I won't be satisfied with where I am now, careerwise. So there'll be another job-hunting process, interviews to go to, heartsickening truth to be known whether you manage to get the job of a lifetime or not. Oh well, guess I'll have to react to them with a sneeze and a snooze...

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