Sunday, May 25, 2008

The start of something amateur attempt..

I love to read blogs from my friends. Found it quite enriching and enjoying to learn about other people's life, love, travels and antics. These blogs have been and will always be the extra nutrition to supplement my thirst and hunger for interesting reading materials.
I have been tempted and lured so many times to try my hands on blogging but stopped myself once my fingers are on the keypad. Do I dare to bare my thoughts and feelings for others to see? This morning, when I looked at my two sleeping angels (cum devils when they're awake), I wondered whether I'll be able to remember the sweet little moments of their laughters, mischiefs, and out-of-the world growing up surprises. Heck! My brain won't be able to hold that much as proven. Been trying to reel out the memories of my eldest son's first smile, the first crawl, the first clap but failed to get to the timeline. Gone are the days of writing diaries. I was never a fan of writing one. Typing's easier.
So, this is how I end up creating my own blog and hope I'll be able to provide some zinger for thought. (Still trying to reason with my sorry self, that is.)

1 comment:

d'muffins said...

livvy, mcm my 1st experience here, blogging, mula2 mmg mcm tak berapa confident, tp once u r in it, u akan rasa seronok cos u can write anything u want, to really express ur feelings n akan rasa released after that... this is just my opinion... i pun bukan diary writer juga...